The Downside of Sobriety: The 6 Things No One Tells You Might Happen If You Quit Drinking

I’d argue that many of us gravitated to a group of friends who have drinking habits that align with our own, and we did this because we didn’t want sober friends. It’s seen as normal to drink, and quitting that drug can feel like breaking a social pact. So your bold, life-improving decision to not drink will mean changes almost everywhere you look. Here are some surprising (and not-so-surprising) occurrences that will inevitably happen to your relationships, your identity, even your free time, and how I’ve learned to deal with each one. As you get going, keep a simple chart or use an app that tracks your progress. Or it could be that you’ve developed a physical health problem that you know is probably due to drinking and you want to make positive changes before things get worse.

Dry January 2024 – A Guide To Making It Work (From Sober People)

A person who is getting sober may be getting sober from one substance or all substances. Their process of getting sober will depend on numerous factors, including the severity of drug or alcohol use disorder and long-term goals of sobriety. Often-times in recovery, being sober seems to be the aim. Yes, it is a crucial and a fundamental part (the beginning aspect) of starting the journey to full scale “recovery,” but the independent process of avoiding drugs and alcohol is nowhere near true freedom. Unfortunately, for someone in recovery, feelings of discontent are dangerous.

Drunk people become experts—and want you to know it.

One of my college friends used to get drunk and aggressively challenge someone to start naming states so that he could name their respective capitals. He would scream the answers and taunt everyone in the room. To this day, we have no idea why he was so mad. No one seriously challenged him, because no one seriously cared. Becoming sober isn’t just about abstaining from alcohol.

being sober sucks

After a couple of cocktails, drunks get real.

Once you’ve admitted that you have a problem with substance misuse, getting help is the next step. It can seem intimidating to look at the end goal and know the many steps it will take to get sober. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for getting sober. No one can wave a magic wand and make you or someone you love sober.

being sober sucks

You never know when an overserved person will trap you in conversation.

  • As your needs change, so too should the treatment plan.
  • Treatment may involve medication and counseling options, which can help you achieve your goals with regard to substance use.
  • One study found that 68% of people treated in a detox unit experienced moderate alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
  • We strive to create content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  • The brain and body need time to return to functioning without the substance.

When you feel better, your mood is elevated, you’re more likely to ignore the little annoyances, and you’re less likely to feel like a relapse is your only way out of any uncomfortable situations that may arise. You can always improve how you fare in sobriety by looking at where you can improve your quality of life. If you are hungry, even if that is not your main issue, get something healthy to eat. If you are feeling exhausted, refresh with a quick walk outside or a coffee nap if you can. I know, I know, this website is called “Recovery Connection” and it is designed to encourage those who are suffering the slings and arrows of addiction to get help.

What Is Sobriety?

I wanted to blend in nicely with a crowd who understood that sometimes you just want to drink your face off, or one that didn’t think anything was weird about a glass of noon wine. You have the power to make changes that will improve your life, make sobriety more interesting, and connect with awesome people who can help you enjoy your life in recovery. Instead of isolating and giving into feeling bad, reach out and connect with others who might be going through the same thing. Go to a 12-step meeting, find a sober group online, or call a sober friend who understands.

The Downside of Sobriety

  • Because I’ve been there, I know what an unsatisfying answer can be, so to give you a morale boost, I want to go over some of the biggest benefits of sobriety I’ve experienced in my journey.
  • If people press that response, I’ll either stare at them and hold an uncomfortable silence (this is enjoyable at some point), or just change the subject.
  • Sobriety is a general term for staying away from mood- and mind-altering substances, though there is no commonly agreed-upon medical definition in terms of what sobriety means.
  • It’s one thing to recognize a need for getting sober; it’s entirely another to actually do it.

For instance, if your substance use disorder is diagnosed as mild, an outpatient program might be recommended. Outpatient programs vary widely but typically provide a designated number of hours of treatment per week at a treatment center or facility. For more severe addiction issues, healthcare professionals may suggest inpatient care, which requires you to live onsite at the hospital or facility for the duration of treatment.


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