How Kundalini Yoga can Fast-Track our Addiction Recovery

addiction meditation kundalini

If a person isn’t fully prepared for the experience, some people claim they may experience long-term negative effects. While meditation can certainly be a powerful experience, there’s no evidence to support such long-term negative effects. According to the theory behind Kundalini meditation, life energy lies at the base of your spine (root chakra), coiled like a snake — and that’s where its name comes from. Actually the addictive power is a spiritual necessity and gift. I believe we were given this quality to be able to hold on to our experience of God.

  • When you practice something powerful like Kundalini, you can’t help but tap into the higher part of yourself.
  • Someone shared with me the idea that I now call the box technique.
  • Maybe weight and food problems are not really about food and weight.
  • Deciding whether to awaken your Kundalini is a deeply personal choice that depends on your spiritual goals and readiness.

What Is Kundalini Meditation?

addiction meditation kundalini

Your goal will be for one round of inhaling and exhaling to last about seven to eight seconds. Break your inhale and exhale into segments, such that you do short inhales or exhales broken up by pauses. While you breathe, you will chant a mantra to help you focus. One good example for beginners is the mantra “sat nam,” which means “truth is my identity.” Sit on the floor cross-legged or sit in a chair with your weight resting on your feet.

What is a Kundalini Awakening?

  • The system combines core technologies of Kundalini Yoga,meditation, breathing, nutrition restoration with specific therapeutic juices, vitamins and herbs.
  • In an addiction program, yoga will often be used as one of the therapies.
  • Enjoy a twice monthly dose of inspiration that includes practices, recipes, numerology, and more.
  • When Shakti rises up from the base of the spine through the chakras—the seven energy centers located along the spine—she seeks to reunite with Shiva at the crown chakra, known as Sahasrara.
  • As you focus on your breathing, in and out, visualize the energy concentrated at the base of the spine.
  • This is to remove all the negative energy we’ve just brought up to the surface.

This is because Kundalini yoga’s mental focus and power is a pathway that connects our pineal and pituitary glands. While chanting, imagine this cord running through your blood vessels all over the body. Visualize its movement and energy to improve focus and help you get into a more profound meditation. Ancient beliefs think this reference is to illustrate the divine energy that resides at the base of our spine and through this meditation were able to awaken and release this powerful current. People often practice Kundalini meditation specifically to experience the release of energy known as a Kundalini awakening.

addiction meditation kundalini

Benefits of a Kundalini Awakening

  • Understanding this in Kundalini was like a lightbulb going off in my head.
  • Personally, I have found that Kundalini yoga slaps all your truths right in the face.
  • Kundalini practices are at least a few thousand years old, though scholars don’t have an exact date of origin.
  • Pick a manageable meditation commitment that you think you can follow through on every day.

We are all on a healing journey and so often issues and challenges arise for us to work through. This meditation helps to regulate the pineal and pituitary glands. It is excellent for everyone, but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.

addiction meditation kundalini

addiction meditation kundalini

With time, it will become easier to call yourself into a meditative state. Once you have that ability, it’s the goal for that new state of awareness to translate into other areas of your life. Rather than simply reacting to what happens to you, this practice can help you manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with heightened intention and perspective.

addiction meditation kundalini

Imagine the energy and growing consciousness expanding through all energy centers and all the way up to the crown chakra. This energy will push all bad feelings and thoughts away with overwhelming positive addiction meditation kundalini energy. In 2010, at a year and a half sober, I was suffering from those underlying issues terribly (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts), when my AA sponsor brought me to my first Kundalini Yoga class.

Spiritual Benefits of Yoga

I believe that getting sober at age 33 in 2008 was the beginning of my kundalini awakening. The doubt, fear, unexpressed grief, and years of unprocessed emotions needed to be allowed up to consciousness before my inner light could be remembered. If you are struggling with addiction, and working on your recovery, meditation is an excellent way to connect with your spirituality.

  • The amygdala and hippocampus play a key role in the consolidation of memories which have a strong emotional component.
  • Behavioral therapy is also an important step in addiction rehabilitation.
  • When repeating to yourself in complete silence, this is channeling your spiritual self.
  • This awakening often leads to a reevaluation of beliefs, increased empathy, and a greater awareness of one’s connection to others and the world.
  • While the benefits are significant, a Kundalini awakening can also come with side effects.
  • Maybe we should start out by loving our bodies as they are.

Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation In Practice


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