Kundalini Awakening: Definition, Causes, Benefits and Techniques

addiction meditation kundalini

When we create stress by holding in our stomachs and have a negative attitude toward this part of our body, we interfere with our normal biological functioning. There are MANY things going on in our body that we can connect with if we tune into and are present to our energy. The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area, is where much of our additive and “food” issues reside. Whereas the third chakra can be identified by a pulse at a specific point, the second chakra is a space which generates flowing, rhythmic movement.

How Kundalini Yoga can Fast-Track our Addiction Recovery.

This sounds easy, but this reorientation is a challenge too. Holding on to the feeling can be as challenging as breaking an addiction. What we are doing is breaking an old habit and creating a new one.

How Do Yoga and Meditation Work in Relation to PTSD and Addictions?

addiction meditation kundalini

I practice Kundalini yoga and the changes I have seen in myself make me a believer that it is a powerful way to help get past addiction. For meditation or yoga practitioners, Kundalini Meditation is thought https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/5-stages-of-alcoholism/ to have both mental health and spiritual benefits. Yogic science asserts that human habit patterns are set or broken in 40-day cycles. More deeply ingrained patterns may take longer to correct.

  • Sometimes this negativity can weigh us down without us being consciously aware of its presence.
  • Dry addictions such as overeating are often related to emotions as well.
  • GABA interacts with nerve cells in the brain and is responsible for creating feelings of calmness.
  • So, it’s essential to not skip a step to receive the optimal benefit.
  • Hydration is essential, so drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.

Kundalini Meditation: Can It Help Me To Recover From Addiction?

It took me several years to eliminate my desire for refined sugar. Now I am satisfied with a couple of bites of Golden Temple Ginger Snap Granola or goat’s milk vanilla yogart. The problem with bad food is that none of our needs are satisfied including the one for food.

addiction meditation kundalini

Then repeat the mantra in the opposite that you’ve started. For instance, if you began the mantra internally, try speaking out loud. The way that you speak the mantra also holds addiction meditation kundalini significance. With a quiet voice, like whispering, you’re chanting to your internal self. When repeating to yourself in complete silence, this is channeling your spiritual self.

  • Active awakening involves deliberate practices aimed at stimulating and raising Kundalini energy.
  • There was physical pain I had to break through and there were tears.
  • As the body gets accustomed to more complete foods, the sugar craving will subside.
  • The ego, of course, being the source of all our problems.
  • This could be anywhere from three minutes to two and a half hours.

When a person goes through rehab, it starts with dissolving the physical dependency through detox. However, any addiction specialist will tell you this is often not enough. You must also tend to the psychological reasons why you would begin abusing drugs or alcohol. Dry addictions such as overeating are often related to emotions as well. It is imperative to look within and acknowledge the reasons for your abuse and ultimately your addiction.

  • We can choose to expand our box and put other foods in that box.
  • Rather than simply reacting to what happens to you, this practice can help you manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with heightened intention and perspective.
  • Gradually, aim to increase the length of time that you meditate.
  • Ultimately, practicing yoga — whether it’s Kundalini or another method — is not reserved for folks from the areas they originated in.

This circular energy resembles that of a sleeping and calm coiled snake. Rachel Surinderjot Kaur has been practicing yoga since she was twelve, but her life changed dramatically when she began practicing Kundalini Yoga at age 36 after two years of sobriety. She has been practicing yoga since she was twelve, but her life changed dramatically when she began practicing Kundalini Yoga at age 36 after two years of sobriety. Enjoy a twice monthly dose of inspiration that includes practices, recipes, numerology, and more. We may be addicted to smoking, eating, drinking, or drugs; or we can be addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc.

Possible Kundalini Meditation Risks

addiction meditation kundalini

The Serenity Prayer in Action: Applying Spiritual Principles to Recovery

  • That moment when you go to take a bite, a hit, a drink, there is a chance for the pause; to be mindful, to look in, and walk away from the compulsion.
  • There is controversy around yoga practioners that aren’t from South Asia participating or leading practices, especially when situations including cult accusations arise.
  • According to the theory behind Kundalini meditation, life energy lies at the base of your spine (root chakra), coiled like a snake — and that’s where its name comes from.
  • We can remember we are divine and that all our problems are teachers to guide us to our highest potential.
  • Also, there is some evidence of the effectiveness of this type of meditation specifically for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).


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